21 June 2022 – 21 August 2022
‘You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows’
Bob Dylan, ‘Subterranean Homesick Blues’
The theme of Summer Exhibition 2022 is CLIMATE in all its manifestations. Whether it presents as crisis or opportunity, nightmare or memories, or simply our everyday experience of weather, CLIMATE is a huge all-embracing and urgent subject.
Alison Wilding - RA Summer Exhibition 2022 Co-ordinator
Introduction to Gallery VI
Gallery VI has been curated by Alison Wilding RA, this year’s Summer Exhibition Co-ordinator, and hosts a notable group of sculptural works that “give the room a tenor”: Alice Channer’s towering thorn ‘Megaflora’ and Ryan Gander RA’s fibre-glass balloon both use the transformative power of materials and scale to present a surreal interpretation of the commonplace.
Circular motifs and horizons create their own connections across the hang. In Lisa Milroy RA’s film-reel painting, the protagonist discovers a message in a bottle washed up by the bluest of oceans.
Across the room, Jock McFadyen RA’s serene coastal pictures depict vast skies and seas with only a hint of human presence. Other works include, Alexandre da Cunha’s ominous ‘Coconut Figure 1’ created using a wheelbarrow and a leather bag.
There is also a memorial work, ‘Rosebud’, by the late Phillip King PPRA, former President of the Royal Academy of Arts (1999–2004).